Meet Allison
Allison Offield is a local actress, mother, grandmother, and community advocate running for the Oklahoma House of Representatives. A native of Tyler, TX, she has called Lawton her home for 17 years.
Allison and her husband of 30 years, Bill, raised their 3 children in public schools where they were active in a variety of endeavors, including speech and debate, art, FFA and Envirothon. While their now grown kids live across the country, their only grandchild is close enough to visit frequently!
As a former ministries coordinator at Centenary United Methodist Church, Allison found herself influenced by the generous and forward thinking people of that congregation. There she also discovered her passion for acting and creativity through the many members involved in the arts. Centenary remains her church home and her involvement in the artistic community of Lawton is still with her as well.
Allison is a current member of the Lawton Arts and Humanities Committee, former board member for Lawton Community Theatre, on the advisory committee to the Video Production Department for GPTC, and an associate producer for a film produced in Lawton that is currently making festival rounds.
Allison is running for state representative because she believes that our representation at the State Capitol should reflect the values of a majority of Oklahomans. She knows that we need to fund public education, provide access to affordable healthcare, and work with people from both sides of the aisle to overcome the challenges that face our state. We need Allison Offield working for us at the State Capitol.